Welcome, I invite you to a hybrid artistic and literary Genre, called Story Poem Genre, an amalgamation of poem, story, image, and song. Its composition is inspired by an emotion-evoking experience, written in allegorical form as a one-page text, conveying mood, meaning, and message via an overt or implied storyline, imagery, and cadence. It presents a story within a story, an allegory that employs abstraction, imagination, and literary devices for textural condensation. I believe it represents a psycho-dynamically unconscious transposition between author, text, and reader, as expounded upon within my previous volumes. The commentary sections of my third volume, The Art of Writing and Reciting The Story Poem, and my fourth volume Story Poem Genre, an Option for Improved Self-Expression and Self-Esteem in the Era of Social Media, present the the criteria and parameters of this Genre, and the exact art and craft of its composition by all age groups, particularly the young. The five volumes, all of which contain 450 Story Poem Genre compositions, within about 1100 pages of text, also offer explanatory commentary...my personal exegesis.     My works are available for purchase using the links below.   The Night of the Black Horseman   The Man Who Would Be Loved   The Art of Writing and Reciting The Story Poem   Story Poem Genre, an Option for Improved Self-Expression and Self-Esteem in the Era of Social Media  

I Never Saw the Color of your Eyes, a Sociological Commentary & 80 New Story Poem Genre Works